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SASC Recreational Soccer Program


The purpose of recreational youth soccer in SASC is the development of the soccer playing ability of the child. Safety, fun, excitement, and player skill development are the primary focus of the program. Regardless of the ability of a child, everyone deserves an equal chance to play and to learn in a safe, positive, and supportive environment.

SASC also offers a higher level of play within its Competitive Program.

Coach Meeting Information

Fall online Coaches Meeting, Wednesday 8/14/2024

Coach scheduling request form (open till Sunday night, 8/25/24)

Recreational Soccer Programs

Sunnyvale Alliance is currently offering these great programs for recreational players:

leaf   Fall 2024 Recreational Soccer Season  leaf

Registration for the Fall 2024 season is now closed (except for U6 Girls!). There's now a wait list for each age group, and we will only accept players until each age group is full.

We will have a 10-week season, first game on September 7, last game on November 9.

Registration link and all the details here

  Sunnyvale Soccer Classes 

SASC is pleased to announce our Sunnyvale Soccer classes for Summer and Fall 2024.

Sunnyvale Soccer is a series of soccer classes tailored for beginner 4 and 5 year-old boys and girls. Using a player-centric approach, the program will focus on social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Within this "discovery phase" players will be encouraged to explore movement with and without the ball through basic ball manipulation and fundamental movement skills. With a focus on "me and my ball" and "me and my friends," participants will be introduced to activities incorporating parallel and associative play. The program is designed as an entry level step on the pathway to entering our recreational and competitive games-based programs.

The classes are led by our Director of Coaching, Andrew Ransome, with an emphasis on inclusion, participation and fun.

These 5-week, co-ed classes will be held on Wednesdays afternoons.

Register for

Click here for more information and registration details

If you missed the registration window for any of our recreational soccer programs and would like to hear from us when registration opens for next season, you can add your email address to our contact list here.

Useful Links


Recreational Program Details

The SASC Recreational program is a volunteer-driven league. All team coaches are volunteers - in most cases a parent of a player on the team. Please consider being your child's coach! There are many other ways for parents to help their child's team - please check with your team's coach to see what assistance you can provide.

Teams will be formed based on age divisions to be established by SASC prior to the beginning of each season. Only those players whose birth dates fall within the age divisions as established by the Rec. Director shall be eligible to participate. Proof of age documentation may be required for players. Age divisions may be combined at the discretion of the registrar. At the time of registration a player may request to "play up" one age division. Players are not allowed to "play down" in a younger age division. Registration of a player in the wrong division as a result of misinformation on the registration form may result in the player not being assigned to a team in the correct age division. If the error is found early enough, attempts will be made to place the child on a team in the correct division.

Team assignments within an age/gender division are done by evaluating specific player preferences first, then by other factors such as: school, geographic distribution, and date of registration. No one is guaranteed a place on a specific team. Age Group Coordinators and the SASC Rec. Director may make changes to any team rosters to balance and improve fair play across an age division.

Important - SASC recreational players may not be registered on any other team during the season. This especially includes competitive teams for any club.

Membership Guidelines / Disclaimer

ALL PARTIES TO THE REGISTRATION PROCESS AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES OF THE Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club (SASC), California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA/Cal-North) AND the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA).

Members are required to agree to abide by the Sunnyvale Alliance Code of Conduct and Fair Play Policy.

Objectionable conduct or behavior, including foul or abusive language by parents, players, or coaches during any soccer activity, including registration, will not be tolerated and may preclude players, parents, or coaches from participation in any activity sponsored by SASC. Anyone found giving knowingly false information to the Club Registrar or any other club official will be subject to disciplinary action which could result in immediate dismissal and revocation of his/her status as a member in good standing.

SASC provides its members access to the Soccer Parent Resource Center.

SASC reserves the right to make adjustments or modifications to the registration policy as it deems necessary to the best interest of the Club.

All SASC Coaches, Assistant Coaches and club volunteers must complete a Live Scan Background check and other legally mandated training activities.

Game Cancellation Policy

SASC contracts with the City of Sunnyvale for the use of its fields for practice and games. The City of Sunnyvale may close the fields if they feel that the conditions are not suitable for use, forcing the club to cancel practices or games. If fields are closed we must honor the decision, or risk losing our future access to the fields.

Furthermore, SASC may decide to cease any soccer activity if conditions are deemed to be unsafe or inappropriate for play (e.g. Air quality).
The primary means for determining field status is via the club's website. The latest field status is shown at the top of the SASC website homepage.
You can also check field status at city parks with the City of Sunnyvale Parks and Recreation Turf hotline at (408) 730-7585.

If you do not confirm a cancellation you should go to the field for your game at the scheduled time. If conditions deteriorate prior to or during the game, it is the referee and coach's responsibility to suspend and/or terminate the game. The decision to suspend or terminate the game will be based on an evaluation of the conditions, the danger to the players or potential for damage to the field. DO NOT attempt to play games on days when cancellations have been announced.

Due to the difficulties of rescheduling games and in conformance with our policy of not guaranteeing a set number of games, the Club will not schedule makeup games due to cancellations of any nature. However, we do encourage coaches to make arrangements with their opponents to play during the week in lieu of one of their scheduled practices.

At no time can coaches decide to cancel a game (except for game-day weather conditions described above). Every effort should be made to play each game - even if a an assistant coach manages the game, or if a team is short a few players. SASC has commitments with its referees, including referee mentors for refs-in-training, and it's very disruptive (and expensive) for games to be canceled without a lot of notice.

Frequently Asked Questions for Recreational Soccer League

My child has no prior soccer experience, can they play?

  • Yes, definitely! We welcome players of all skill levels.

My child is 4, can they play?

  • Yes, players as young as 4 can play in our League. Please see specific birth date requirement on the registration page.
    We also have our Sunnyvale Soccer classes which are targeted to 4-5 year olds who are new to the game of soccer.

What's the difference between Sunnyvale Soccer and Recreational Soccer League?

  • Sunnyvale Soccer is a series of classes taught by SASC for beginner 4-5 year old players, held on Wednesday afternoons.
  • The Recreational Soccer League is comprised of parent-coached teams, with mid-week practices and scheduled games on Saturdays.

What coach training is available?

  • We supply multiple layers of coach training to our volunteer coaches! We have a preseason meeting, plus on-field training, we also offer assistance at a team practice and game assistance and feedback. We will do all we can to assist our volunteer coaches to be highly successful!

What are the game formats? Are they going to play ‘real’ Soccer?

  • We will be implementing small sided games per US Soccer recommendations for the youngest players. Check this page for the anticipated game formats and rules.

Is a uniform included? What other items are required?

  • A uniform (to keep!) is included with all League registrations. Parents need to provide soccer shin guards and an appropriately sized ball for their player. Cleats are optional, sneakers can be worn.

When will we hear from our coach?

  • Coaches will contact registered players about two weeks before the first game. Each coach determines the practice time and location based on their availability.


  • Teams will practice at a time and location determined by the team's coach. SASC guidance is for up to 60 minute practices once a week for up to U10, and possibly longer or twice a week for older age groups.

Where will the games be held?

  • Most age groups will play 'in-house' and play on fields within the City of Sunnyvale. For the older age groups (U12+) our teams may participate in a 'play-through' league which means we play against other clubs in the South Bay area, which will require travel to away games.

For more information, please contact us at: