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About SASC / Club Contact Information

About SASC

Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club (SASC) is host to over 1,800 youth soccer players across our Recreational and Competitive programs from ages 4 - 18.

SASC has affiliations with the California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA), US Club Soccer, US Youth Soccer, and NorCal Premier.

Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club is intended to:
  • Provide Sunnyvale with a challenging Competitive program in all age groups
  • Provide Sunnyvale with a fun and developmental Recreational program
  • Increase our knowledge of the game by offering periodic clinics for players, coaches and referees
  • Ensure safety of our players
We offer year-around opportunities for those wanting to play. The playing seasons are in the Fall from August to November/December, and Spring from March to early June. We also offer Winter soccer, both indoor and outdoor play. Our teams participate in League play, Tournaments, District and State Cup, and Futsal.

The club structure consists of volunteers and professionals that are interested in the growth and continuing success of this organization.

Club History

The Sunnyvale Alliance Soccer Club (SASC) is a member of the Foothill Youth Soccer League (FYSL) - formerly the Sunnyvale Alliance Youth Soccer League (SAYSL). SASC is a non-profit organization that provides soccer programs for boys and girls ages 4 to 18, and has been in existence since 1976.

Join our Distribution List

If you are interested in hearing from us about opportunities to play soccer with us in the future, you can join our distribution list using this form.